The past few weeks I've been finding several great items at Goodwill and TS's but I haven't posted pics of those things because they are fairly generic -wooden bowls large and small things like that. But this week I wanted to post some of my great finds. Some our just fun things and some will be little re-do projects for a prim look. The first few pics are mostly just fun Christmasy things. Over the years I've found alot of mix and match type seasonal dishes. I think I'm just a "collector" type gal. Even as a child had collections of records, glass figurines, books, etc...I think it just sticks with you. Now with a family I like adding to our house and making it more homey (not that you can take it with you) but it's fun and the kids love it too!
I love this time around and shopping at the local Goodwill's and TS's - ya never know what your gonna find.
Now onto the more prim finds . . .
These are Williraye studio. There are flaws in them but I think I might be able to fix them, but they are also hardly noticeable. I got them for a steal.
I plan to remove the cork from these and do something prim with them just don't know what yet. Any ideas?
Not a great picture but it is a tin basket that says Merry Christmas and a woodend sled.
A cute little peg rack.
Lastly these are some trays that I'd like to redo into something else. With so many good finds it's hard to pick a favorite. Which one would be your favorite?
WiSHiNG a HAppY NeW YeAr!
13 years ago